

Ok, I've already started last week with my new position and working schedule here, but this week it'll be for real, because I will be, for twenty days, the only scene director on our company, and I'll be doing everything by myself. I'll be delivering one big work (a publicity), I'll be travelling south for two projections that I'll be producing (yeah, I am a scene director, but also a producer and photographer... whatever works). I'll be working a lot, I guess I'll be again near my limit, like I was two or three months ago. But it'll be a good and learning experience.

Today I am starting with some meetings and coordinating the editing of our last work.

Well, this is very boring to read, right? Yeah, I know it is. Don't worry, I'll try to think about something else that isn't my work, or something like that.

I really need to go to the beach, to run on the sand, get into the water, forget the stress, eat some barbecue, drink some beer till I fall... I need to go rest a little bit, I will do this in a month or two, for some days.

Maybe when I get back from south I can go to the beach and rest a little bit. I'll talk with my girl to arrange something, or else I can stay here and go to the movies (something I really like and not doing a lot like I want), or go to the house of my friends or family, to do something soft and ease.

Today is a sunny monday, but it's monday, even if it's sunny I won't see the sunlight, just when I go out to eat something. And I'll do this in a minute, I hope. I'm starving.

Ok, that's it. Enough talking nothing today.

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